Remember when we had Brady's 3 month photo shoot (waaaay back in mid November!)? Well I didn't even get a chance to post photos from it! And I should have gotten around to it because he looked like a little model. He's still got that "I love to laugh but I ain't sharing my smiles with your camera!" attitude, but boy is he expressive! Check out a few of our favorites of our little model!
*note: he's not quite sitting up by himself yet, this is just a tiny bit of camera magic :)
Our little elf :) |
He's an angry elf! hah |
Devil elf :) |
Picture perfect baby |
"I don't like that flash!" |
Flying baby! |
Hmm, what's next? |
Oh, I'm too cute. | | | |
A couple of weeks after the shoot though, a funny thing happened. My agent sent out an email looking for babies for a Gerber baby ad and needed babies ages 3 months and up of talent that was already registered with the agency. The perfect opportunity! I could send in a couple of these pics to my agents (who mostly get digital camera snapshots from babies because shooting headshots for babies is a silly waste of money) and they'd eat him up! For sure we'd at least get called to the audition (which would consist of some photos, for it was a print ad, not a commercial -- though I'm not quite sure what they do in a baby commercial audition anyways ... turn on the camera and stare at them oohing and aahing?).
I had always thought I'd be totally okay with putting my (super duper adorable) baby in print ads because, well it pays a lot (hey! someone needs to pay for college, might as well be Gerber!), and he's too young to know he's sort of being exploited, and there are rules so they can't throw your baby under hot lights for a long time anyways ... but I don't know. Once it was there, starring me in the face, I looked at my little fussy boy (his non existent teeth are starting to be an issue) and I thought, no, not this week. I could not phantom taking my sweet innocent boy to an audition where I would be stressed out trying to get him to not cry for those specific 3 minutes of the day when I knew all he wanted to do was to be home playing on the floor with his toys, drooling out a river on his shirt, and chomping on teethers. So, we didn't respond. No baby star here. At least right now. I don't know if I'll always be able to say no, (he's so darn handsome!) and I still don't know quite how I feel about it ... is it exploitation? Is posting pictures of him here or on fb the same thing without a huge paycheck and awesome pictures to save forever? I'm not sure how I feel. I guess time will tell and we shall see. But for now, only me and my friends get to enjoy this little bundle of handsomeness. And he's still being a booger and laughing laughing laughing in person and then giving the camera the stink eye so if you want to see him in his utmost cuteness, please do come visit. Because he seriously has Scott and me smiling and laughing all day!! :)