Yesterday, September 17th, Brady made his first historic trip to Wrigley Field to watch his beloved Cubbies beat the Houston Astros (quite the incredible match-up!)
(insert eyeroll). Nonetheless, the Cubbies DID beat the Astros (even though by the 8th inning the Cubs were 0-9 with players in scoring position and the Astros were 0-11 .. ugh, please baseball president -- start paying players based on performance!), but more importantly, Brady got to experience his first baseball game .. and he did *Awesomely*! Ironically, the only time during the 8 innings he sat in the stands that he cried was when the Cubs hit a homerun! Our Uncle Tim suggested he was crying because he knew, sadly, it was too little too late this season... once again. Sigh, one year ... besides, it's totally okay this year because *when* the Cubbies win it all, we want Brady (and all of his siblings) to be able to remember it ...
Anywhooooo, it was a beautiful 70 degree day, a bit chiller in the Wrigley stands as usual, so Brady was bundled up and warm. He slept on the walk to Wrigley, in his Bjorn, and woke slightly when we entered to stadium to the National Anthem. During the whole game, he was mostly awake, charming the pants off the ladies and gents next to us, the kids in front of us, and the older people behind us. Only around the 8th inning did he get a wee bit fussy (don't we all by the 8th inning of a Cubs game this year!) so we walked the boy home. I was initially nervous about all the noise in the park and if it would effect Bradester, but of course, this kid couldn't care less. He was all la,la,la the whole time. Such a trooper! And next year, he'll be old enough to actually cheer on the boys! (They need it!)
For the record, the Cubs ended up winning the game (it was 2-1 Cubs when we left) so Brady must be good luck! ;) Here's some pictures from our wonderful day!
On our way to the game! |
Brady (can you spot him) with Daddy and Grampa and Ronnie! |
He's thrilled to be at Wrigley, can't you tell? |
Brady's 1st Cubs Game! |
Check out my Cubs onesie! |
With Gramma and Grampa! |
Cubs are winning -- all smiles :) |
Hey Chicago, whadda say! |
Extra bonus! Today, Brady got to watch his first Bears game with Daddy! Sadly, it did not go as well as the Cubs game ... Brady slept through most of the game and da Bears lost. Bummer. BUT Brady looked cute and isn't that most important? ;)
Geez mom, cool it with the pictures, I know I'm a stud! |
Bears lose! What! Waaaah! :( (But more importantly Mommy, are you still beating Daddy in fantasy this week?) |
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