Yesterday was Brady's 1 month birthday!! Happy birthday Brady!! Can't believe the first month is over! Not looking forward to how fast the next billion are going to go!
It's my 1 month birthday today! |
Brady -- 1 month old!! |
Brady celebrated his 1 month birthday by ... dum dum dum dum ... SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! That's right! My baby boy fed at 11pm (eek a little late!) and did not wake up to feed until 7am! What an amazing little guy! The coolest part ... I first slept through the night on my 1 month birthday too! He's just like his mommy :)
(*For the record, this whole sleeping through the whole night thing did not quite continue last night, but he fed at 10:30pm and then had his first "night" feeding at 5am ... still an awesome start to conforming to society!*)
Speaking of just like mommy, Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Minneci sent us a box the other day filled with old baby clothes and blankets that were Grandpa Joe's when he was a baby in the 50's ... along with a pile of pictures ranging from Grandpa Joe's baby pics to my baby pics and random pics of me and Uncle Joey in Arizona when we were kiddies. And there is a picture of Grandpa Joe at 3 days old that looks *so* much like Brady! And a picture of me when I was a tiny babe that also looks *just* like Brady!! It's so funny because so many people say he looks like Scott (and I think he does), yet a ton of other people say he looks like me ... but I look (and have always looked) like my dad, as does my little brother Scottie, and Scott's baby pictures (my husbands, stay with me here folks) look a lot like my brother Scottie's baby pictures so Brady, maybe, looks like a Minneci. We shall see, hopefully he grows as *adorably* as his daddy and not with the big forehead his Grandpa had haha!
In other Brady news, I must add that today I decided to go shopping for more baby clothes for him (because, you know, that's all we need, more baby clothes). But seriously, it's starting to get chilly and Brady has a ton of little clothes that are summer themed or onesies and mommy wants him to wear itty bitty outfits that are weather appropriate soooo I just had to go get some! :) I found super cute long sleeved thermal style onesies for $5 at Old Navy, along with itty bitty jeans and cargo pants for $10 there too!
Like my new jeans?! |
Pretty affordable for super cuteness! And now he has clothes that actually might fit him instead of being huge on him! (When he's wearing 6 months he has awesome clothes, till then, he's only got a few "outfits.") And then I went to Baby Gap, where I could always spend a fortune if I didn't have such amazing self control (;)), but I splurged just a tiny bit today and bought him the cutest baby jean jacket
EVER. Because it's chilly and he has no jacket! I HAD to! Sadly it's going to be back in the high 70's/80's the next couple days so he won't have it on till next week ... but next week, Look out!! Honestly, how cute is this kid!?! (His super awesome hat is a new present from Grandma Kathy - her shopping habit is even worse than mine!)
Ah! I love my new jacket mom! |
I'm stylin'! |
Man, I'm cute! |
I'm kinda torn, because it's been sooo long since I've been able to buy cute clothes and I soo want to, especially because I LOVE buying new fall clothes (I think it may be my favorite time to shop for new clothes!! I love fall colors ... purples and browns and greens ... and I love sweaters!). However, I only have so much "extra" shopping money for clothes and I want to buy myself clothes and I want to buy Brady clothes and I can't afford everyone's new wardrobe. Sad face. So, this week Brady got new clothes, but next week (ok maybe next month ... or in 2 weeks) I will go out and buy myself a couple of new sweaters/shirts. I still need to get a dress for October weddings ... I went to Anthropologie all set to for real splurge on a not-on-sale-but-oh-so-cute dress ... and it was GONE from the store! And the internet! Ugh. Hate when that happens to me! So, now I must find a new dress and some new sweaters! And the most challenging part of it all, I still only get about 2/2.5 hours in between feedings in which to find these treasures. Challenge Accepted. Stay tuned for my success (and/or failure) ...
... And, till then, wish Bradester a (belated) happy 1 month birthday and look forward to pix in super cute fall outfits (him, not me)! :)
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