Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Bang, bang, you're dead!" ...

... "No, Avada Kedavra, you're dead!"

Recently, Scott and I were having a discussion about toy guns and whether or not I'm going to let Brady play with them, like most little boys (and girls really) do at some point.  One political point I stand pretty strongly on is gun control.  I believe guns don't safe lives, guns kill and with better gun control, well, perhaps we wouldn't have so many children shot at school every year! I am not telling you this to open up a big political discussion on gun control -- I believe there should be stronger gun laws, some believe everyone should have a gun in their house -- and we could duke it out to the death (ha) but at the end of the day we're probably still going to believe what we currently believe and that's fine.  I'm sure we could find enough evidence to support and discredit both sides of this issue -- but I digress. Again.  

The point of the story is Scott knows that I do not like guns and he asked if I was going to freak out if Brady had a toy gun someday.  I know "shooting" is not something I want to encourage when he's playing with his little friends.  After personal deliberation, I decided that water guns are acceptable, nerf guns are tolerated, wooden, novelty guns are allowed, but for shelf display, and other toy guns (the ones that look and act more like real guns) are prohibited.  Scott shrugged and agreed for the time being ... and then started laughing.  When I asked him what was so funny he told me, "We're going to have the geek on the playground.  Some little kid is gonna shoot his "finger formed gun" at Brady screaming "bang, bang you're dead" and Brady is going to whip out his "finger wand" and come back with "I stopped the bullet with my magic.  Avada Kedavra, you're dead." 

And for the record, I will not be able to ground Brady for using the killing curse in play because magic and wizardry will always be encouraged in my household. :)

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